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Helping Entrepreneurs and Leaders Double Their Impact and Income with a Best Selling Book That Brings Cash, Credibility and Clients.



FREE! Plan Your Book in a Weekend Blueprint and Masterclass

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Are you a leader, business owner or expert who has a BIG message that you want to get out to the world?


Are you tired of being the ‘best-kept secret’ and want to finally get the visibility and credibility you deserve? 


You know your audience has been waiting to hear more from you, learn from you on a deeper level, and be inspired by you.

You know that you were meant to do more, be more, and Impact thousands.

It's time we leveraged Your Story, Your Knowledge, Your Expertise, and GET YOU PUBLISHED AND PROFITABLE. 

Have you always wanted to write a book to grow your impact and income, and didn't know where to START?

Don’t Worry, That’s Where I Come In

Helen Vandenberghe

I’m the CEO of Impact and Income, a multi-six-figure coaching and consulting brand where we help leaders, entrepreneurs and experts skyrocket their impact, influence and income with simple marketing strategies and premium offers.

At my core, I’m a business growth strategist, but I’ve been helping my VIP clients to become best-selling authors, in-demand speakers, and to turn their wisdom into wealth for over a decade.

I'm definitely not a book coach - although we have those on our team. 

I help business owners turn a short, powerful book into a massive lead generation machine bringing you clients on demand 24/7.

It all started when my sister (a 15x published author, journalist and busy mum of three) asked me for the 200th time – “Have you written your book yet, Helen?”.


I’d been talking about writing a business book for YEARS – while my sister was merrily knocking out bestsellers by the dozen!


In a fit of “I’ll show you” I got busy and banged out my book plan in just under 3 days...then got it published within 60 days. It’s amazing what you can do when you are REALLY focused (& when you want to impress your BIG SISTER!).


So FINALLY my book was out there.


And the results were incredible.

Got a Question for Helen? Send her a message here

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As a Direct Result of Publishing My Book I..

Sold 100 copies ($2,000) within weeks

Attracted 4 high-end clients in the first week of the book launch ($24,000)

Increased my email list by 1400 people in 6 weeks

Got featured on 12 of my ideal podcasts and radio shows

Was featured in a full-page article (2 new VIP clients - $20,000)

Was invited to speak as a KEYNOTE presenter at an International Conference

Sold 32 Places on my Get Clients Fast Course ($64,000)

Was asked to co-author another book with a high level expert



FREE! Plan Your Book in a Weekend Blueprint and Masterclass

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Havilah Malone

"I became a No 1 Bestseller - that has had massive impact to my speaker bookings & credibility."

John Mitchelle

"Having my book has been a fantastic marketing tool & Helen is absolutely THE best person out there to help with this. She understands how a business owner can write the RIGHT book for their market and how to use it to get visible."

Tony Cruse
Expert Dog Trainer

"Expert dog trainer Tony published his book '101 Doggy Dilemmas' to rave reviews and not only got immediate invitations to radio interviews, but also landed a regular feature writer spot in a National magazine!"

Client Success Stories


Sky Rocket Your Business With a Best Selling Book

How to Attract Clients, Cash and Credibility

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